All knitting, all spinning, all the time

All knitting, all spinning, all the time

Monday, 21 June 2010


I seem to be suffering from a bout of startitis. I want to start new things instead of finishing the ones I already have on the go (coughMumscardigancough). I currently have on the go: a pair of socks, a cardigan, a bag in (horrors!) fun fur, a doll, a blanket ...

I want to start something new, something that will grab me with enthusiasm to actually finish it so I have something to show you rather than just a bunch of UFOs. Something small. Ideas escape me - maybe a hat?


  1. great to see a post from you. :) missed you.
    UFOs aren't much fun once they get to that point of just being pressure to actually get it done. i find i can keep the momentum going to finish a project when i have everything needed at the start. if i have to stop and wait until i cangett that last bit, i am in danger of putting the thing aside and forgetting it and losing the momemtum.

  2. more socks!!
