We managed to pack in so much into such a short space of time - visits to Bendigo (woollen mills & Bendigo Pottery), the city (Clegs, Magnation & lunch with dear friends), & of course the Handweavers & Spinners Guild (lunch with my lovely friend T).
Of course I had a few "accidents" along the way.
There are two baggies of multi-coloured merino tops, a small bag of silk tops, a small bag of de-gummed silk cocoons (should be good in a fibre sandwich) & some more sock yarns.
I think I can see a definate theme emerging here. As I think I mentioned in my last post, my favorite colours are blues & purples, & I seem incapable of buying anything else.
:) I see some pick and red in that mix aswell so your starting to branch out. can't wait untill july xoxo